Date discrepancy between stock movements screen and export

Before I put in a bug report I wanted to see if anyone could explain this:

All transaction dates show a six hour difference when I display movements and when I run the movements export program. The display is correct - done just before month end.
I provide one example below.

The “Modification Date” at the end of the export record appears right, but that date - and the time within 2 minutes - is the same for ALL export records, therefore not useful.

Server and client are the same computer (Doliwamp). Dolibarr Version 18.0.1


Header and Record 60 from movements screen:

Ref. Date Product ref. Warehouse Inv./Mov. code Label of movement Origin Qty
60 02/29/2024 09:50 PM P000001 W1 20240301035023 Production of MO2403-0007 MO2403-0007 +60

Header and Record 60 from Stock Movements Export Program:

Movement ID Qty Date of movement Label of movement Movement or inventory code Id warehouse Short name of location Description warehouse Localisation warehouse Address Zip Code City Product/service id Ref. Type Label Description Note Price Sales tax For sale For purchase Duration Creation date Modification date

60 60 3/1/2024 3:50 Production of MO2403-0007 20240301035023 1 W1 Main WH W1 11 P000001 0 Computer Standard Desktop Computer 725 6 1 0 1/3/2023 15:23 2/29/2024 21:50